Productive Weeks

A few busy weeks it has been!

Bev May women's tour,  well organised by the Mays, 2 stages on 1 day, a first for me on the trike: first stage quite hilly, I did well, much faster than last year. BUT THEN the second stage, was a disaster because I had severe ataxia right from the start. Just managed to finish it.

The following Saturday John and I went up Te Miro hill. A long, but achievable climb.

Last weekend Paralympics NZ had a talent ID camp in Cambridge, and part of it was racing, which I participated in.

Thursday at Hampton Downs, on a motor racing track. That was good practice for Tokyo. Trying to find the best lines to ride. Definitely better than compared with the previous year.

Saturday we raced 2x Aspin Road loop. That was tough, particularly 
with the strong winds. Coach Blandy rode both races with me... And kept e n c o u r a g i n g me (i.e. shouting at me :)


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